Ice Bath  |  Sauna

Experience ground breaking contrast therapy

A therapeutic technique that involves alternating between hot and cold treatments. 

Potential benefits include:

A lift in mood, decrease in stress, improved clarity and brain function 
Improved blood flow and circulation, quicker constriction and dilation of the blood vessels 
Enhanced oxygen supply decreasing pain and muscle soreness
Improved sleep patterns 
Increased metabolic rate
Improved immunity due to the body becoming more tolerant to temperature spikes

Ice Bath

Revitalise your body with the invigorating ice bath experience.

Traditional Hot Stone Sauna

The perfect induldgence. Unwind and reconnect the body with the mind.

Cold Water Therapy Ice Bath

Ice bath using filtered water with temperature control from 2°C.

Benefits include: Stress relief, reduced pain and inflammation, increased metabolism, heightened immune response, enhanced mindfulness, increased mental fortitude, improved endurance, improved skin condition…

Traditional hot stove sauna

With room for two, temperature guage up to 120°C

Benefits include: Detoxification, ncreased metabolism, weight loss, increased blood circulation, pain reduction, skin rejuvenation, improved cardiovascular function, improved immune function, improved sleep, stress management, relaxation…

I am enjoying discovering ice baths it seems to help me sleep and is helping me with inflammation on a knee injury.

Using the sauna for 30 minutes eased my pain and relaxed my whole body using deep breaths whilst in there.

I felt incredible certainly after getting out the ice bath and straight into the sauna… never felt more alive.

Ric guided me and supported me through the contrast therapy process. At the end I felt absolutely amazing.

What an experience… wow that woke me up…

Wow I feel pretty damn good getting out that ice bath…


Please contact Ric Hart for further information about how contrast therapy can help YOU.

Telephone 07969 081836